Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Then at least give it to the F/A-18C (Late)

fun fact - To everyone in this thread saying “Gaijin would give the F-2 HMD because they wouldn’t add a top tier jet without HMD, it’d struggle. They’d give it one for balance”

I give you, the Finnish F/A-18C

a jet with no HMD at 14.0


F-18C, not F/A-18C

Unless they changed it to have a2g

I did not read the last 1000 posts or so… people actually said that? That’s absurd.

also when they will add F-22 (Early) without hmd

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Yeah, likely because they added HMD to the Thai F-16 when it never used it

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I think someone made a suggestion on this

Add on the radar reflectors, it could come next update

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Yo canadians start making noise over cf188 please

Navy dive bomber pfp slaps

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Its an avenger torp plane

I saw the 1 aurvivor from midway on the uss midway with bullet holes and blood and all as a 7 year old and it set me down the path of an archaeology career all these years later

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I don’t remember seeing that when I went. But I do remember the tomcat. Crazy to think midway is now fairly small by US carrier standards now.

It might have been a special limited time thing

Israel can use both so sure, why not

Damn, you guys bought those too? Thought they were only being bought for F-35 use whenever they get exported

Theres another in colorado springs and they fly it on special occasions

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Israel brought a thousand of the multimode ones in 2022 iirc

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Are you sure they are GBU-53? maybe they are GBU-39A/A (I think that’s what it is) Laser SDB (laser+GPS)

Question; do we know anything about VT5’s armor? Do the datamines show anything, or do we know anything about it IRL?

I read it was practically meant to be MBT-level, but I don’t know.

Yeah, it was probably special occasion then.