If it was never gonna come it can’t be delayed…
Gaijin made it so easy to reach top tier, and stripped so much national identity from tech trees, that you’re right, people just seem to play whats meta and they can grind with a top tier premium in a week or 2
Exactly. There is no need to make them unobtainable, just put them aside and researchable or folder them behind the replacements
Within hours of the patch you will see teams of Su-30
Sorry found out this was against TOS later and didn’t dealer this one.
beyond new additions causing an influx of META chasers a lot of people main a certain nation at specific BRs or overall, I play britain only but I play with people that only really use USSR or USA at specific BRs too. If we could see where the high and low points are we could suggest ways to help even out player distributions either via balancing or additions. We all know that gaijin devs themselves arent massive players of the actual game in comparison to forum frequenters so it would be a great way to get better community input into the games direction.
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My god we are now in WOW paying people to level our character…
This game
just woke up and uh wow that sure is a trailer lol (called it would be dominated by the F18 and Su30)
maybe another time, currently doing Israeli ground and then taking a break
I don’t have infinite time.
Ahh ok.
Harrier T10 (2 seater trainer of the Gr7) has also been leaked for Britain as a premium
Pfft you used to be able to grind to level 70 in a short amount of time lol
I always though playing the game was kind of the point, could you imagine paying someone to play a game for you xD
Ha ha trick people into thinking I’m a good player when really I’m just paying someone to fly my jet
But not an entire tech tree. He just said it took him 3 days to grind japan ground. I would pay someone like 20 bucks because they’ll be having fun while playing too.
Disclaimer as always, this list I made is outdated, there is some stuff that shouldn’t be there, but point still remains;
And that’s only in terms of MBTs, excluding the extremely needed SAMs.
Leaving aside exceptions that are for a longer term future, we could have got at least three, two… even one of these over 2024; but we did not.
Talking about Israeli ground, can I have a quick scale of 1-10 how big this skill issue was (sorry for off topic)
I respect that, if you enjoy the game and want to play a certain vehicle and you have disposable income why not :)