yes,it uses western weapon and techniques,instead of all russian copy
Ajax would be cool
In my opinion they should just add the lav3 now, the m1128 stryker already uses the lav3 chassis, and the 25mm bushmaster is already in the game
It could very well be premium. I count on it even.
Remember when the Gripen was out for like a day and they proceeded to nerf its flight model and make its gun reminiscent of a cheap airsoft spring pistol?
where would osorio MBT from brazil go, i kinda liked the idea of it being added instead of Leo 2A7 before that happened but then again not top tier enough
but it takes a lot of time…
its crazy to think the super hornet would’ve been 14.3 because f18c is 14.0 even though f18E would be worse for wt meta
I remember when it was given to 4 other nations and those same nations got multiple other aircraft and now we still have no alternatives. Gaijin has no interest in Nordic air and its a fact they are the weakest air tree for nearly every BR.
Probably just isn’t going to be added
UK potentially? It is a UK turret. Be an oddy though thats for sure, shame we are unlikely to see it.
yeah right
Im still cranked out that Britain and Italy got a better Gripen than Sweden before AMRAAMs and now the us swedes had to dump another 410k just for AMRAAMs. The Thai gripen bothers me a slight bit less but Gaijin’s been doing Swrden dirty
i mean uk feels fine for mbts, even if they have hampster doing leg crunches for an engine im sure some pretty cool sub tree will come along someday and cure all the woes
Any actual plans to fix the swedish air tree? Rn it is the worst air tree in game with essentially no debate and it seems like gaijin has no interest in fixing any of the CAS gaps or lack of actual fighters. Can we expect anything to change or is it safe to assume the devs have no plans to fix it. Cause again this f18 is a joke to even be called a 14.0
My favourite thing about the introduction of the Gripens was that not only was the ZA Gripen slightly better than the Swedish one, they also just had to make the Hungarian one a bit better than the ZA one as well
What if it comes as a Premium lol
no. just no.
We pretty much ran out of room for more subtrees for Britain. It’s almost like other subtrees would have been better choices to help with the MBT problem than India…