Ahh ok, i see.
We would all love to know the answer to that question lmfao.
Considering they could’ve added the ASSTA3.1 but instead gave the ASSTA1 ahistorical LJDAMS.
The event one is even more useless since there’s Zero (0) functionality for the Kormorans.
You can pre-download it now, Not open yet.
Yeah, they should just give the premium one 9Ms and make it 13.0 so that it doesn’t make the A pointless at the same BR
Gaijin really just keeps getting away with this…
They have 1 T-90MS but we have 15 Magachs
-Someone in the IDF
In the aether with SPICE and popeye
Either that, or limiting the F/A-18A to AIM-9Hs and AIM-7Fs and have it be 12.3, like I said earlier
When’s it gonna open
personally don’t think america needed another top top tier premium lol this gives experienced players free kills (if they are ofc new)
Cant wait for Dev Server, so i can report the Rapier
I don’t either, but if they’re going to add this thing I want them to do it right
Can’t believe we got a premium f18C before a premium mig29k
this thing reminds me of the new usps trucks with the giant windshield for some reason
before GTA6🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
put the israeli community in there with japan because we are fkn tired too I share the sentiment of the Japanese community.
I love how they reworked the American ADATS, but they can’t be bothered to get basics of the Rapier right