Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

kinda disappointed japan doesnt get there f-2 its my 2nd most done air tree ive been wanting it for awhile

So… Japan is only getting a low tier boat…
And people still say Gaijin doesnt hate Japan.


F-18 might be a meme at top tier, but 12.0s and 11.7s will get EATEN ALIVE by it. Leave the 11.3s alone

Merkavas waiting almost 5 years straight now for any armor buff:
Billions IDF agents must suffer


Rubber ahh composite

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And then you get the tree which starts at end of WW2 and made 90% of out of C&P. Are you really want this?

When Russian fighter jets launched a massacre against ground troops using 11 KH-38 missiles, Germany was still using laughable laser-guided weapons to attack ground targets. HOPE and HOSBO, as reasonable and effective supplements to German ground weaponry, have consistently been overlooked by you.

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dont worry my fren engine is your armor

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su30sm is great

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Yes, we really want this. Under no circumstance should India have become a British subtree.

as long as its not in the british tree id be happy

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the entire point/problem with India is, they add it as a sub tree to britain. Then refuse to add India’s things to the game. So why is the nation in the game?

“oh but you dont need this, there’s no gap” that’s cool, but India has a unique vehicle here and I’d like to have it. What’s the point in this stupid nation if you refuse to add its content.


dev server open yet?

I can’t see it being that much better than a Tornado F.3 or F-4J/S

Can I tell eli to stop putting 2 rounds behind the engine then

It’s far less than that, forum suggested tree has less c&p than China. Plus it’s the only viable TT left

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IDF spending millions and hundred of researchers to create a mobile fortress just to see Gaijin see their armor as “worse than rubber”

40% C+P
But you really want Rafale, and SU-30MKI with Soviet tank in British TT?

Wich better??


2000 posts in less than 12 hours… good work comrades. at this rate we’ll have part 5 by monday

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Bruh the new dev is done downloading
The Eric Andre Let Me In Meme And Its 2016 DNC Origins