oh nice.
wasn’t around when that got put into existence lol
I’m definitely gonna grind for it. The Fiat itself is pretty quick, nimble and even amphibious.
The rocket launcher has plenty of rockets with HEAT rockets. How powerful the rockets will end up actually being will depend on the final BR, but with the amount you get the 150mm pen should be enough to deal with most tanks while flanking.
Wonder if PLAA use side-skirt ERA package in any capacity (I know ERA doesnt mean much, but at once in a while it does saves your bacon)
APS is currently being incorporated.
I wish gajin implemented new Litening (Litening AT or Litening G4) instead Litening II targeting pod for F/A-18C Late this major update or second major update 🙏
Stages 1 and 2 will have a reduced score requirement due to the overlap.
well I can see the ZTQ-15, when deployed has a slightly thicker side armor/skirt, that’s more than the VT-5 of BD but less than the optional thick ERA sides offered for VT-5 in general
There currently is no point in adding better targeting pods, as the ones we have ingame already perform better than they should
So, I can get 1 of the new decals for 40K points instead of 70K.
hmmm …
they cannot tell a photo from a photoshop work.😂
So maybe we might see them this update?
air to uni?
Air to universal?
Martlets? :^)
You’ve seen the normal version of that icon a dozen times already, mostly for the AS.20
I know the icon is ingame, but I am wondering about the name they gave the icon
, etc.
It 's normal and not new.
Guess they originally intended to use the icon for more than just A2G missiles then
I wonder if all rocket propelled bombs are gonna get the new icons or just the ones that are built like the PGM 500/2000 and AGM 130
USMC F/A-18C in 2014 ~ 2015 retain Litening AT or upgrade to Litening G4 targeting pod ?
I’m curious about this
J-10A (early service) equipped this Air-to-Surface missile ?
KH-59. I dont know anything about J-10 using it.