From waht I recall from the Harrier 809 book. The US wanted a far more extensive upgrade called the AV-16, but needed the UKs help developing it, but it was too extensive and so instead they went for the AV-8B but the UK was simutaneously developing the Harrier Gr5. Im not entirely sure on the details of how much overlap there was.
want to take this to harrier thread? i think Ixtav knows about this
But from what little i’ve been following in this conversation and I assume its something to do with nation of manufactoring
Spanish EAV-8B+ would mostly likely go to:
- Spain (TT or Sub-TT whereever that is )
- Italy (Spain being a minor axis nation and already operating an AV-8B+)
- Britain (Its a Harrier and Britain doesnt have a radar equipped Harrier II so it would be unique)
- US (as an export of the US version of a Harrier II they co-developed)
Patria AMV 120 prototype
Patria AMV28A prototype (wide boy)
Patria AMV35 was sold for Australia but lost to the redback so would make for a premium more likely for Sweden since it would likely have the AU flag but since it didn’t enter service. Thoigh id rather see the non AU version since i prefer Finnish camos more.
Pls gibgorg. I need an actual TT patria from Finland to go with in the same yodate when the Badger arrives. So ill have 2 nations to grind.
i mean italy has their fair share of US jets (yeah im counting it since its the MDD one and tbf did come before UK harrier 2)
you do have a good point about radar harrier 2 for UK, but at the same time its going to be using US avionics with US weaponry, so nothing about it is really british except the engine. while for US it could be a premium i guess, or maybe a skin depending on how different it is from AV-8B+.
I don’t care about Spanish Hornet for Italy, give it more Italian props and subsonic jets. There are still a lot to come.
Hungarian and Romanian planes are welcome as well.
PS also pls no more Tornadoes at least for some time
Now this does put a smile on my face
You do this
and then
you do this
I hope this helps you
Don't open this one
Fixed complete
But F/A-18A decrease to 12.3 it make sense
i think this year they will be added, us helis need a fire forget missile
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No it didn’t, you alive
what tank is this?
Looks awfull, must be france, but the colour says also somehow Italy
lol its in lahore army museum. seems early WWII russian LT no?
They aren’t though
Could it be? (I Say WW1)
yep, this is it. i can recognise the urdu written on the board there, the country is … interetingly… britain.
its a vickers mark 2 from WWII