Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

was the f14 iriaf copy paste??

i know, just let them enjoy their flanker lol

Well um actually yes it does.


hungary and britain getting gripen that is copy paste. britain getting t90 that is copy paste but f14 iriaf mig 21 premium for britain and su 30 mki are not copy paste… Learn to differentiate keyboard warriors

that was the point different missiles but aircraft family remains the same

F18C is dangerous in close…GG to the fella I got in the battle

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had a good dogfight earlier against an f18, funny enough all it took was a backflip and an r73, i love the flightmodels ngl

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I really hope Gaijin does not put these into the ground :/

most likely only the su30 will be nerfed because “hurr durr backflip unrealistic and unfair”

Lol it’s the first dev server. What do you think? How many aircraft FMs survive to live.

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XD not many

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can already smell the su30 being nerfed so hard its just a Su27SM with 2 more missiles that bleeds just as much speed as the mig29smt

What does this “TWS+” in dev server means? I didn’t see any significant changes in the game yet.

Well i cant really help you here i dont speak chinese

that aint important dude. the rest words are all the same while this “TWS+” is new


hm idk then, never heard of TWS+ before your post

I well mess around and see if I can tell

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Maybe it just means the different TWS modes?

3 Fighter aircraft from israel tech tree armed Rafael Spice series

  • F-15I Ra’am (SPICE 2000 & SPICE 250)

  • F-16C Block 40 Barak (SPICE 2000)

  • F-16D Block 40 Barak


I really can’t tell if anything is different about it???