Seems like thats everything thats coming
If they are saying the F-2’s Radar is too advanced I would think the F-18 getting AESA is cooked.
U.s can get 3 hornets in one update but they cant give Japan one much needed jet…
The J-11A really needed to be replaced as the top Flanker though, that thing is awful, whereas the J-10A is still pretty good
Also, it leaves the F-2 and J-10B for a China vs Japan themed trailer in the next update, either that or Gaijin are going to the gulag
Also, the J-10B is a different model, it was a massive redesign of the whole aircraft tehcnically
I think that was from a while ago. Long before we got PESA or AESA in aircraft/helis
Saddly, a major or minor nation in WT have nothing to do with the real capability of this nation, but with the numbers of players playing it.
that’s what I was thinking
This was a while ago we now have the Rafale with AESA
Premium netz is a shame, although the ELTA 2032M being introduced may mean the Ayit can finally get it’s PD radar yay
Cobra pilot model for the Typhoon, not going to give us the updated HMD
Sensor fusion for Rafale…
This update is looking really bad for Britain.
Reminds me of the “good old days” before the Namers, when I used my Imp. Chaparral as in improv light tank for my Israeli top tier lineup.
Eh, my 9.3/9.7 lineup is doing fine and the Desert Warrior and Rooikat 105 still work well at 10.7
I don’t play 11.7/12.0 tho, coz screw that CAS spam
Mind you this was in Feb of 2023
It’s the same line, just separated by the F-14 folder. Like this:
Looks like a snooze for ground this update.
I don’t know what to be more disappointed about;
-R-77-1 but no AIM-120C
-Sovietsky Soyuz (Iowa counterpart) while U.S barely catches up with Mutsu
-No new Top Tier MBTs
-No new Top Tier SAMs
I just want 20 round ready rack for the CR1s and Warrior Verdi II for the 10.7 line-up.
Stormers can kill IFVS 2S38s have been surprised by a Mach 3 missile dart to the face
always a nice surpise
There is absolutely no need for the AIM-120C though