Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

2S19 Msta

Just checked. The F-18 in the trailer should be fully capable of the 10 AMRAAM loadout. And yeah it seems no F/A-18E. I have a feeling the leakers just picked up on it being worked on, but it doesn’t look like it’s being added.

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not possible, the new shiny jets need to be OP first

sweden have more top jets than germany, germany deserve its f-18

swiss is german subtree i think

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Indeed good times… if the BR system actually worked those times would still exist but well, guess we all have to face Fox 3s now lol

on drone age they only showed 1 new vehicle iirc

Switzerland. Is. Not. A. Subtree.

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Now that a lie

bandicam 2025-02-27 19-11-00-827

Is it me or is that not only one blog but two ?

at least two swiss vehicles are in german tech tree right now

one of them is premium

None of these blogs came out on the same day after the teaser. They were before.

my child being announced with wiggly nozzles is a good thing to come home to from work

Switzerland. Is. Just. A. Really. Big. Mountain. Filled. With. Anarchist. Dwarves.

Abrams X no maybe in a year but the object definetly!

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Smin, we have something for china and japan?

they will come just wait

Oh after I thought you said on the same day, sorry

How bout this thing lmao

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This game has a huge spawn camping problem in rank 4, when I left my base I’ve been killed by a AMX-13 (note that I’ve only been out for 25 seconds). Please add a system that won’t let people shoot or enter in your spawn, it’s annoying and it’s unfair. Think about it, how would you feel if someone stood 0.60km away from you and sniped you.

China? Probably. Japan…1/1 000 000 chance that you MAYBE get something

Yeah, I really want to see F-2 come now rather than another delay, it’s been two years.

But I also feel like this is the last chance Japan has to build hype and attract a significant number of new players with this aircraft. Nobody will play Japan because they “also get an F-35 with everyone else”, and variants of existing aircraft just don’t bring much attention, so F-2 is the last option.

And besides the teaser, the only way to get this hype is with new mechanics. AESA is already a thing, so all there is would be hope for ME and DY, but asking that from the company that didn’t even do a dedicated MLC for the F-16s (they just stuck it as permanent slight FM boost) I doubt they would do it for just the F-2