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War thunder forum right now
Well I’ve been playing the Mobile version of war thunder they are past WW2 ships and onto early mid cold war ships I mean Missile frigets are in the game
Yeah lmfao
id anwser any day bbg
The only way I’m playing Naval is if they add guided missile ships
Can we get Turkish Tech Tree or Sub Tree
jk get baited
imagine tab switching
There is a few already
Guys the trailer is out (not)
grinding early French coastal, using ship with 1x2 7.7mm for unlocking 3 other ship with the same weaponry is pain xD
they call me a madman
It’ll be better I promise
Subtree maybe
Tech tree highly unlikely
You can have a Turkish subtree at a cost,
It will be placed in Israel! >:)
Well thats what they have in Mobile and I hope we get them on PC soon