how does one not embed lol
Japanese mains just getting excited for the F-18 😜
taking that
its not a rickroll if you like the song
?nam kcuf eht tahW
I think if you try surrounding the link with <> might do it, but haven’t played with the markdown in the forums
F18 Boys yall COOKED if this is added!
can anyone send me the spreadsheet with the info about dates and release time of the teasers?
I barely notice a difference because I’m on a brick that classifies itself as a “PC”
Ah yeah that did work, thanks lol
I know for next time I guess
Don’t be so sure about never being able to set foot in a typhoon. You can literally fly in a MiG-29 here in the US (it is very expensive though)
mods are here, teaser incoming
ALLL THE MODS ARE HERE. YK what this means
- Yes
- No