Give me his location i’ll bring him a epi pen
patch stung by a bee?
Get the Raid spray out so we can see the trailer!
Missed the option of peak comedy to say hornet
this tweet is real as the fact that the teaser will drop today :tf: :tf:
The mods all come and watch when the trailer is about to release, that should give it away
trust me bro
I’m overhyped and full on hopium for the Richelieu in the trailer now xD
at least put some effort in it
should be 85 iirc if theres a new trailer. 84 was last updates magic number
I only see 2 but the total video count for me is 83 not 84 so idk
For what it’s worth, going by past year, Alpha Strike teaser did release like 17:24 UTC, while rn I think it’s 17:28 UTC, so surely any minute now
I didn’t get it because of that hahah
My brain did not associate the bee with Hornet because they are different things and now I feel stupid anyway xDDD
surely cluegi