Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


I doubt it tbh

Oh dear god no, thats in 2-3 hours

Poll: what screentime do you think Ground Vehicles will get on the teaser this time as they are shown purely to beg for the protagonist planes for salvation?

  • 20 seconds max
  • 15 seconds max
  • 10 seconds max
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Let’s find out how many people are stealth watching this thread rn :)

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Gonna close it in like 5 or 10 mins. Just interested in how many people are here and waiting for the trailer to drop.

itll probably drop while im heading home

plot twist: no ground vehicles the devblogs were all fake

The teaser will drop when it feels like dropping


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I should have put 2 yes options

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yes or yesnt

Rn? What is this

once again perhaps the big boys are gonna be WW2 ship, since the strange answer about Richelieu coming right this update :p

SEPv3 driving as dozens of hornets pass overhead

It would be so funny if the trailer wasn’t today but next week or tomorrow

Can teaser still come? Or too late?

Rn means “Right Now”. Abbreviation.

chinese hacker, working with lmfao and lmao

Yeah im sending my nephew to denmark then