Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Looks fun ngl gimme that

bro fumbled the bag TWICE in a row
incredible tomfoolery shown by this user

so be it

the m151 would be such a gremlin

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8.0 with basic TOW, due to the speed

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I have large hands and tiny phone, and I just woke up. Gimme some slack mannnnn 😭

Not ATGMs, but

Toyota MLRS



nah 7.0 cause of ammo capacity (3)

they actually can be controlled remotely by a Pad. the greatest toy car for boys


when will the trailer drop

There’s ammo boxes now. But maybe if it gets TOW 2 it’ll have to go higher

no it only ever got tow1’s same ones as the m3 Bradley, the 8.3 one

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To quote smin (I don’t have the screenshot)
“Within the next 365 days that’s for sure”.

Some time in the next century

can confirm he said that

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can confirm too i was the dust on the shelf

Yeah but the 8.3 bradly has a gun.

no they just share the tow missile varient

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