Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Honestly for a k-class sub that was a good day

actually the f86 can go supersonic and it did irl

They don’t even want to do it for their first mode (air) as an always open gamemode, so no way this happen for navy, saddly…

WoWP has 100 players online on average, and WoT, 18,000.

Compare that to War Thunder’s current 175,000…

War Thunder has become an absolute phenomenon. It has gone from a niche game to one that rivals many big titles- and the truly big change started when modern machines began coming.

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Yeah, the lack of adjustments and reworks to make maps and gamemodes work for modern vehicles is a huge factor for people saying that WT shouldn’t have entered the modern era

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in a dive yes, but supersonic was about jets which can go straight supersonic (at alt) such as mig 19 and f100

Yep I’ve asked so many times for a another mode with way way way way way bigger maps

I think war thunder would have died if we staying in early cold war

That doesn’t mean the games are dead. They are still up and running.

so what’s the plane for uk this version?

I know they just get the uk’s European fighter ,but i think
just do a ctrl+v to make indian a useful sub tree is
still meaningful

Is the trailer really today?

Please if the new leak is true and the F/A-18A and C are being added they better be foldered together.

Should be

If you look back through the update history you will quickly realise that usually there isn’t something for every tree of every single nation.

idk people where showing twitch times but nothings there now

it should be

Better than the game itself sometimes T-T

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If i don’t see the Su-30 im burning my house down

But that would lower the grinding. Can’t do that.