Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Now because of this


Richelieu for this update? :o

Come on big boy ! You can do it !

Perhaps despite the F18s and cie coming, the focus of this update would be Iowa, Richelieu, Bismarck and other similar big boy !


Country A only adds a single improved m24 chaffee and maybe a btr with a recoilless rifle
Country B adds nothing that isnt Argentina hand me downs anyway

the 15 chally said otherwise

I’m not asking about how many of the vehicles would be unique. I am asking for proof of Brazil having enough planes to work as a standalone tree in WT.

It’s not like copy and paste isn’t already a big part of the game

yes, and like 90% of the playerbase does not like israeli tt

(im 10% bcs i lov kefir and merkavah)


I can’t complain when these nations get overpowered stuff if I ask for it myself. So I’d rather keep my right to call out Gaijin on their BS than ask for even more of it but in my favor now.


This is a joke i doubt the stream has anything to do with the update but i hope the teaser is in 10 minutes

and he’s in the game anyway

Im all for it, but its either going to be Argentina with a Brazilian subtree or Brazil with an Argentina subtree, realistically. Probably with a few chilean vehicles sprinkled in.

with gripen after F5

That is fair but could also be part of the problem, Russia and german and america mains are a very VERY vocal lot

that is one bare bones tree…

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so by your logic, gaijin should add something like israel tech tree again, even tho its hated? ofc they are not gonna remove already existing tech tree, it costed them time and money to make it lol, but why would gaijin decide to do basically israel v2 again if israel og is being hated on


the best would be a joint line

Yooo! Thats awesome! I have been doing the same for my room back home. I recently got a new couch.

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we saying 6 mins or 66 mins till teaser?

Yeah nah mate, that ain’t enough even compared to Israel

2 - 4 hours