Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I got this off Google images

Let’s hope they are a bit caught on implementing F-2s unique features like ME and DY mode, ASM-2/3 and reworked J/ARG-1 datalink mechanics.

And they will surprise us in the teaser by showing it and adding it this update anyways.


F-18s so it will be f-18 spam for the next few months in ground and pretty much unstoppable to. Thanks gaijin

I mean Sweden is the only nation that has trialed stuff, China got USSR and US event vehicles while other nations got told no and Italy got no squadron vehicles


Get them higher

Cry about it

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I dont hope much with gaijin learned against it.

Gaijin didnt make the chinese tree at least not directly


Trialed stuff explain ?

italiano suffa

You first

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Yeah fair. Earliest F-2 with SARH only could’ve probably come with or just after F-16C (depending if they stretch reality for that AN/APG-68), so just a little over a year.

Late F-2 (the one we are hopefully getting) is about equivalent to last updates Rafale and could be a good 14.0 addition.

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bro I really don’t care. all I want is a South American line and the F18

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Daje Roma?

Imagine bringing the CH3 when you can bring the CH2E and CH2BN

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why did the chally get smaller

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For what nation