Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Not at all. People are not hired to work solely on one feature and that’s all they work on forever. Those members of staff work on the development of lots of features over time. Not just one.

There are however entirely different people / teams working on vehicle development to those working on features. The comparison you are trying to make doesn’t exist.

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ive quite enjoyed the last 3 dev blogs lol

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Harry Hopkins was a lovely blog indeed, esp it upsetting people wanting other blogs xD

Uruk-hai need more then dev blogs to sustain them!

God dang another ship wtf. This is crazy

@Smin1080p_WT is the vehicle you are looking forward to most a plane, tank, helicopter, or boat?

this one is for the event lol, its technically not for the update

its a devblog for the event vic

Tbh im fine not having them, only indian vehicles i overly use are vijiyanta and bhishma, rest im ok not using

I really want to see picture of thoses team.

I’ve always imagined the teams working on the “big 3” as one big company with a lot of peoples, motivated like in the wolf on wall street, whereas on some others nations it would be one guy, in the closet on the verge of retirement, fighting between the game’s coding and the cobwebs on the ceiling.

Yeah! Why can’t we have a teaser?


What 'bout them? They’re FRESH!



Ahhh, but still this is most ships if ever seen in a update season

today is trailer day righr?

Hunter F.58 started this before we had any subtree lol.

And people want to cry “but muh nation developed that we should get it” in 2025

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Who’s complaining about the AV-8?

And the Hunter one is fine so long as Switzerland becomes a subtree, but India is already a subtree, if you’re fine with the Swiss Hunter then anything Indian should be fine for Britain, right?

Companies are not an argument for additions. Maybe in the past but its too complex nowadays.

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This started the whole nonesense.

Imagine the F18 is announced, and it’s either not going to the US, or the US is getting the worst/a worse version than everyone else.

I agree, there is still a potential they could receive it.