People only want these vehicles to be able to play them without grinding other trees.
Otherwise, why not just grind the original trees that have them?
It’s about getting everything from everyone without needing to go through the hassle everyone else had to go through.
“Oh, you silly multi-nation player… you grinded 5 trees to get these jets because you are stupid. I, given my superiority, deserve to have all of the vehicles you had to grind 5 trees for without having to grind for them! MY tree deserves to have them all!”
oh and by a budget that i didnt pay money towards right?
see, me and many others spend money on this game to improve it, and the devs wasted it by hiring people to make that. so, yes, its a different team, but it still takes away from what could have been made?
In this moment of time, no one is asking for the aircraft now.
But if they are added they should be in the tech tree that has the vehicles.
They could be added in 2 years after Russia has a Su-35M and the Su-30 isnt the best vehicle.
The Rafale is a harder one, but im sure you fully expect France to receieve the Dutch F-35?
tbf you say this and I dont really care if a challenger ends up in another line, hell germany will probably get a warrior in the form of the warrior 2000 since it was for the swiss. If anything it might show that the challengers kinda suck in game and they might get a buff lol
And thus your ignorance is laid bare for all to see.
No people dont “just” want these vehicles to avoid grinding other nations, although im not foolish enough to say that some people wouldnt want them for that.
But if youve been paying attention to this thread (which you shouldve been given how active you are here) a lot of the people asking for these vehicles, are people who are from these nations… who want THEIR vehicles represented in nations they feel represent them.
Indian players cant just go to Russia to experience the Indian Su-30 because guess what… theyre pretty different
In reverse look what the French tax can make to a vehicle, at the second the leopards (unneeded, remove them gaijin !) joined France TT, after YEARS without any problem they all got a nerf for the rear depression xD
This, exactly this. The people asking for non-domesticly operated vehicles in the host tree are either from the nations asking or the few interested in said nation.
Yet, no matter how many times this is pointed out, uninvolved parties are attacked(those only interested in the host tree).
Eh, I just want to play certain nations that aren’t in game.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s many Indian players that don’t want their Rafale variant as French premium, their Su-30MKI as Russian Premium and their Jaguar as US premium only because it makes other nations feel more special. Especially considering many Australian and Canadian players have those concerns here quite a lot.
I agree though that exporting nations need to get their benefits, which is why I think aircraft loadouts need a rework. It should be nation specific loadouts for all, with only weapons the specific nation used/tested, while exporting nations can get the expanded offerings for export armaments as a bonus to make them more interesting.
(Also exporting nations might as well get their jets first too, for obvious reasons. The game used to do this too with East German jets, though considering those were literally the only jets they got and they came late I understand why that stopped.)