Looks close to some Renault armored car, at least the hull shape.
Well you received Netherlands that have big links to Germany. It’s right that Swiss go to Germany…
We could add x2 to our list of vehicle just with light tank.
Crazy that we got our first TT IFV only the last update, hope they don’ t take a break for years now.
If they base their decision on ww2 alignment, it makes sense.
I was responding to this:
And in any case, France did not invent the oscillating turret, it’s a British invention.
The Kugelblitz was the first production vehicle with an oscillating turret though.
I never thinked that the whole BeNeLux as a subTT was a good idea.
SubTT from start is not a good idea and bring dramas specially when you have stuff from other main nation in.
I would not mind at all Germany getting Netherlands (but don’t give them NL AMX13 105 or other few French stuff ! :p)
im not france tech tree player. But im happy to see something French coming to the game.
To be fair “production” is doing some heavy lifting here.
Wouldnt a b17 ball turret be an oscillating turret?
Don’t you want Luxembourg’s OP vehicles?
no but… uhhhhhh
Humvee TOW for everyone :D
I want a Cyprus TT…
Yeah, but the shape of today modern tank was made in France, so all in all… /s
France perhaps did not invented it but clearly was the bigger and longest user of thoses.
I want an Indian TT so their stuff doesn’t clog up the British TT
You mean EBRC Jaguar they have/gonna buy from France?
I think i can have thoses without their help :p
I want an indian tree cuz i think itd be neat
Damn the old Panzer IV 7.5cm sounds brought back memories!
Here some Indian trees
The issue with sub-trees is that:
Half of them should have been their own tree(or in a joint tree with 1-2 other nations), and the other half was poorly added.
SubTT that can stand alone could come, but i would not like if they have a big part of them made by vehicles of other TT already ingame.
And all drama would be stopped if vehicle were gifted one by one to wich they belong the most depending of the tech, and in case they are linked to 2 nations ingame, then join both.