Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We’ve crossed paths a couple times! In Top Tier jets, if I recall correctly, perhaps? Or maybe one of those few times I go into lower tiers?

Other vehicles are planned in the future for France. However not in this update.

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btw smin shall we put the popcorn up for the day or is there potential for more today?

No frenchie air? No belgian Scimitar?


Is there also a reason why one nation gets it as a pack and the other as a GE premium ? How are those thing considered ? I feel like having it as a pack for France. would make it very attractive to grind the nation, which is less played than Germany and only has a few packs, when Germany has more than triple the amount as of now

Mostly likely it was top tier jets if I recall correctly. That’s where I am mostly around (BR 10-14) for aircraft. But recently I’ve been going though some 10-11.3 ground lineups.


Ive met you in naval and stona in air, on more than 1 occasion too


yeah I was considering getting the french one, im not getting it if its GE as it normally just isnt worth it to pick up GE premiums compared to pack premiums

I know this is outside of your influence, but it does feel like this “something is planned in the future for France” is too much of a recurring theme.

That being said, I’m at least happy that France gets to share the Clovis with Germany.


Not currently on these that I can see. They remain open loadout suggestions.

@Smin1080p_WT do we need more popcorn today?

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Ive seen someone in a few lobbies with a parody of your name, being: Tplus720p_WT

any possibilities on new top BR light tanks for the UK or France? or at the least are they being planned?


How about Leo 2 TVM-1 for Ger (Future Strv 122A)? When will it be added, hm?

I know the answer to this!

“Other vehicles are planned in the future for France (or the UK). However not in this update.”

How is it a suggestion though? The Tiger, a helicopter from the 90s, is using rockets from the second world war.

Should just be a T-72B3/T-80BVM style armour addon modification to the existing 2A5/6

How much RP is gained by converting 1 GE on the DEV server?

yeah probably lol, which is a shame since it would be nice to see something like Jaguar and the Boxer CTA40

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I’ve been appreciating 11.0-11.3 ground too lately. It plays basically the same as 12.0, but slightly scaled down, but most importantly: without broken C*S like SU-34s or Rafales!

12.0 uptiers still hurt, but at least you still save yourself the pain of such aircraft- and sometimes, the scaled-down capabilities of the tanks allows for a slightly more casual gameplay too. 12.0 is very, very “sweaty” normally, hahah.

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