We’ve crossed paths a couple times! In Top Tier jets, if I recall correctly, perhaps? Or maybe one of those few times I go into lower tiers?
Other vehicles are planned in the future for France. However not in this update.
btw smin shall we put the popcorn up for the day or is there potential for more today?
No frenchie air? No belgian Scimitar?
Is there also a reason why one nation gets it as a pack and the other as a GE premium ? How are those thing considered ? I feel like having it as a pack for France. would make it very attractive to grind the nation, which is less played than Germany and only has a few packs, when Germany has more than triple the amount as of now
Mostly likely it was top tier jets if I recall correctly. That’s where I am mostly around (BR 10-14) for aircraft. But recently I’ve been going though some 10-11.3 ground lineups.
Ive met you in naval and stona in air, on more than 1 occasion too
yeah I was considering getting the french one, im not getting it if its GE as it normally just isnt worth it to pick up GE premiums compared to pack premiums
I know this is outside of your influence, but it does feel like this “something is planned in the future for France” is too much of a recurring theme.
That being said, I’m at least happy that France gets to share the Clovis with Germany.
Not currently on these that I can see. They remain open loadout suggestions.
Ive seen someone in a few lobbies with a parody of your name, being: Tplus720p_WT
any possibilities on new top BR light tanks for the UK or France? or at the least are they being planned?
How about Leo 2 TVM-1 for Ger (Future Strv 122A)? When will it be added, hm?
I know the answer to this!
“Other vehicles are planned in the future for France (or the UK). However not in this update.”
How is it a suggestion though? The Tiger, a helicopter from the 90s, is using rockets from the second world war.
Should just be a T-72B3/T-80BVM style armour addon modification to the existing 2A5/6
How much RP is gained by converting 1 GE on the DEV server?
yeah probably lol, which is a shame since it would be nice to see something like Jaguar and the Boxer CTA40
I’ve been appreciating 11.0-11.3 ground too lately. It plays basically the same as 12.0, but slightly scaled down, but most importantly: without broken C*S like SU-34s or Rafales!
12.0 uptiers still hurt, but at least you still save yourself the pain of such aircraft- and sometimes, the scaled-down capabilities of the tanks allows for a slightly more casual gameplay too. 12.0 is very, very “sweaty” normally, hahah.