SD-10 is implemented, it’s on the JF-17
Chally1 mk1 isnt realy one of the top high tier mbts reuqested.
And the chally 3 production still is a concept.
Its not the finished first chally 3 of the main production line
Nobody Is talking about su30sm buy if the give It cobra button thrust vectoring and ibrida radar It can be new meta for some time
not the best choice of words tbh
Ok that was a typo, I mean the LD-10, which is a PL-12 with an passive radar seeker
It’s not going to be meta unless they give it better missiles than what the current (in-game) Su-27SM can carry.
There is no way they would get thrust vectoring even remotely right
Fair enough, isn’t that for shooting down AEW&C?
R77m1 and r 73 1 and r74
not likely.
TBF they should have started with the R-77-1
They definitely don’t need better IR missiles, but better ARHs would be warranted
yeah those arent coming lol
Ayy they added the funny little fella, little guy, small man
Gajin can do It in two mode
1 It Is Absolute broker
2 get gajineddd
dosent change the fact they have more MBTs doesnt matter if they are prototypes or production models still have at least 4 MBTs past 11.0 to add most likely more
That not but Little overpowered war machine fella yes 🐌
What is R77m1??? Only Su-57 can carry R-77M if that’s what you meant. As for R-73 variant it doesn’t really matter until they fix thrust vectoring as a whole.
77-1 sry
Cant really add the ch3 pre production as it has a whole new addon armour package and composite that we know nothing about along with the lack of aps implemented yet it wouldn’t be a decent addition atm