Official name of A-10 Thunderbolt II, official name of F-35 Lighting II.
If the Strategic Bomber tree/line also includes maritime patrol aircraft, that opens up quite a few possibilities for nations that wouldn’t have access to actual strategic bombers.
Also… why would they need a separate line or page? Most nations have a heavy bomber tree already, just fit them in there?
Can’t forget the LefH 18B2.
The FC-31 is the J-35
J-35 is the navalised version, no?
No, FC-31 was the prototype.
They’re just all called j35’s now
Fair enough
@Smin1080p_WT Sorry to bug you about bug reports in this thread but currently many reports exist on the bug where fox-3 missiles do not show up on RWR. These reports still are being created by many people daily, is this issue considered to be fixed internally yet?
Probably no Dev Blog for tomorrow then???
why not?
Technically should be a double tomorrow, given that 40% of the days we have a devblog it’s a double
Im thinking maybe 2 vehicles and then Wednesday being maybe a vehicle and a map or double map
This report has been, pending further testing and deployment: Community Bug Reporting System
I don’t know why there wouldn’t be a Devblog tomorrow.
@BearHasLanded why would there be a double Devblog tomorrow? It would only be the Third Devblog, and i’m pretty sure doubles don’t start until after the Teaser/Trailer (I think)
Seek and destroy started with a double
Last update we had two singles then a double to start with
Firebirds definitely had a double before the teaser too
It’s not only possible, but likely we see a double either tomorrow or Wednesday
Hmmm, okay.
Well then I guess we’ll see
We’ll get a devblog tomorrow. And Wednesday. Teaser Thursday. Stream Friday. Server weekend. Update sometime next week.
Quite likely
Quartas121 Post Percentage: 11.36% at time of posting
This percentage is the percent of posts in R&R that are from Quartas121 alone, and also just for fun
you forgot the week if fixing dev server stuff after its closed, push your update “sometime next week” to an extra week and I agree )))