Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Its power would destroy the game


Is it Spitfire?)

Since the R2Y2’s are no longer going to be available for research at the end of April is there going to be any researchable replacements in the TT similar to what happened to the Panther II, 105 Tiger and Flakpanzer 341 in the German TT when once they were hidden they have replacements in place?


this must be an Code…

means clearly Premium Tranche 1 Eurofighter incoming bomber

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would have been a bit cooler if instead of two tigers they added one panther.

I would never say no to another, but no, not this major ))


Can you say if its a plane, tank, boat or helicopter?

So a British ground vehicle between 9.0 and 10.7

They are already in place. The F-84 and Alpha jet from the Thai sub tree.



does it have wheels?

Does it have an engine?



ready for the other planned news

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Objectively, maybe!

Subjectively, I have a thing for Tigers, so it’s a win for me hahah.

Well, I love Panthers, but right now they are awkward- the 5.3 one is basically a casemate TD and all others are 6.0+, which would force to uptier Tiger H1s, so eh.

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That would be a dream come true for me

Is it in a group of 3 Variants and do they start with a V by any chance ?

btw one of them HOWLS =)

The panther would mostly be better for beginners. Spawing 2 heavies is expensive.
Finding a panther for 5.7 is hard but maybe something like this could have been 5.7 due to increased weight and visibility:

It’s always possible to increase reload time aswell due to a inexpirienced crew as reasoning

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They could also do a Lancaster, spitfire and hurricane pack to commemorate the Battle of Britain memorial flight

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Ngl that would be cool, if they included the swordfish that used to be a member before being grounded

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