Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Smoke trail

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Fair enough. I hope you have a great rest of your day Smin. Today and tomorrow must be exciting nonetheless

Would be nice, though I kinda wish it was a GR5 ngl.
Also, not so great at spotting T.10 and T.12s apart but I do hope it gets this nice green livery

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I am aware; I was just saying that that saying should be changed.

Answered your own question lol
9L and AIM7

Yeah, though I think the GR5 got hard denied because it never used a TPOD.

T10 wouldnt have that flaw

but the Trainers look both dopey and awesome imo

He was asking if we would see 9Ms outside the teaser.

The teaser and what we get in game are not always the same.

For example, the F-14A Early showed 9Ls when it was teased, but it only ever came with 9Hs.

If Hornet is really limited to 9Ls and 7Fs, it better be 12.7 xD

13.0 is a true pain in the butt. F-14B, for example. Facing Eurofighters, SU-27SMs, Rafales, F-15Es and their FoX-3 spam constantly… that should never happen. And I hope F-18 won’t be implemented like that; otherwise, it trully will be dead on arrival.

Yeah if the F/A-18C (early) is 12.7 then the F/A-18A will have to be 12.3.

The A will have 2 less pylons for missiles on the wings, and it will have worse engines.

12.3 and 12.7 are two of my most fun BRs, so a Hornet at one of those would be lovely.

I guess you guys finally got rid of that bee in the office?


The Later C versions could, but during the Gulf war there was only 1 under wing pylon that could take AAMs and that could either be 2 AIM-9 or 1 AIM-7

If it’s a GW1 jet 9Ls and Aim7M would be the time correct loadout.

I did not, if you actually read my question

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Then yep, I really hope it’s 12.7 at most. Otherwise, as I said, DoA.

An F-18 with 9Ls and 7Ms must not face end-BR jets.

I realise that

The 9M was responsible for all 10 AIM-9 kills during the 1991 Gulf War, that includes the MiG-21 shot down by the specific F/A-18C we see in the trailer

the 9L was way outdated by the Gulf War

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