Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Considering the 2A7 doesnt get the upgraded armor compared to the 2A7V and 2A7HU (except maybe stronger internal armor), yes

No -229 engines R.I.P

Although, I do find the blurb about having access to the “more advanced AIM-120B missile” funny, as it is also known in game as the 120A with a different paint job.

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Inb4 F-15I gets no AGM-65s .
Can Israel get decent top CAS or not lmfao


There is a report currently under investigation on this matter. It has not yet been concluded.


So what do we know about for Sweden?
From what I’ve heard from my friend who watched the dev stream, Sweden wasn’t even mentioned?
Should I keep waiting, or should I just close the Forums tab?

(I am incredibly impatient and can’t wait for the update)

Any rank 8 air premiums coming?

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Finnish BMP-2MD (gun only bmp 2 with thermals)

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Doesn’t Israel use the Mav? Don’t see how they don’t also have it in game.


I’ll take it

Anyone notice anything about Rarden penetration? (or 30mm apds nerfs in general?)

Gaijin definitely has a sense of humor.

btw this update added 2 new A2G weapons that outrange all current in game SPAA

and they’re on better planes than the Brimstone is. But nah fam Brimstones are good, so good in fact they didn’t even want to show them off on stream.


You didn’t understand me, I meant compensation for the lack of a new plane.

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Neither Japan nor Sweden were mentioned in the English broadcast

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No, Finnish BMP is mentioned, but no message from JP

Bro, no offence, but… you are doing the “It’s aktchually M1A2 SEP, not M1A2” thing…

When I say “the M1A2s”, I am referring to all ingame M1A2 subvariants; the same way when I say “the 2A7s” I am referring to all ingame Leopard 2A7 variants, AKA 2A7V and 2A7HU.

I just find it easier to say “the 2A7s and the 122s” than specifically going: “Leopard 2A7V, Leopard 2A7HU, Strv 122B+, Strv 122B PLSS and Strv 122A”…

Like… we don’t even have the base 2A7 ingame which could lead to confusion, we only have 2A7V and 2A7HU… so I thought it was clear enough that I was referring to those and not the base 2A7 which is not ingame…

Another BMP is being added for Sweden

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Sweden was mentioned riggght at the end. They’re getting a Finnish BMP-2 that trades the ATGM for thermals as a sqn vic

Haha, I also want a new plane (I think everyone should have a plane in this version, especially in a country that only has 6 for AGM65 :)

Japan was mentioned, iirc on the english stream it was said that Japan was getting something, but that it wasn’t ready.

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