one of the best slot antenna radar I think
At least add the Type 74 105mm SPG to Japan … its long overdue
How do you know a comment is removed by a moderator when moderator actions are displayed as ‘hidden by the community’?
Holy crap, I’m not the only one feeling this way.
(The F-CK-1 is admittedly a long shot due to uncertainty with the amount of declassified info, but everything else…)
You don’t need to know that, you simply ask a moderator that will help you with your doubt.
The Dutch weren’t German enough to provide them with an F-16 either and instead they were deemed more French, somehow.
I said this before and say it again China doesn’t in fact should not have Singapore and Indonesia, why ?
Because China can not only take Taiwan and there own stuff but 10 other nations around that area.
I’m not sure what you mean by this
oh boy 500 new messages, surely we got another blog after the Murmansk
It is just sad… for long i stop playing Germany Top tier. I just preffer Leo1 over Leo2VSLeo2 situation we are going. I sure hope they dont distribute Leos1 for everyone like they do with Leo2. I dont see a reaosn to play Germany Top tier. Other nations have better leopards and/or lineups around it.
This is so dumb.
No just a rubbish decision to add Singapore Leo to China
Biggest problem with adding Chinese aircraft is the gap between radar technologies within them. The SU-30s they use up to the SU-30MKK2 use the N001VEP radars, while the J-15 from the start of production uses AESA, along with the J-16. Also the missile technologies are odd as well, as they field the PL-12 on some, the RVV-AE on others, the PL-8B on some, and the PL-10 on others. Gaijin is likely going to end up creating Frankenstein flankers for CN.
We are so back next update is going to be peak
why are you mad over Germany loosing a potential tank?
Also, the decision to skip the SU-30M2 and SU-27M by gaijin, and adding the copy paste SU-27SM from a later date makes me assume that they want to go straight into 4+ generation aircraft and ignore older items, which I personally believe is flawed from a gameplay and game sustainability standpoint.
Not germany, Japan, potentially
Japan doesn’t produce leopards o.O
Well, if you squint, you could just mistake Type 90 as one
This is a joke btw
Am I the only one who thinks every country getting every vehicle kind of defeats the purpose of grinding multiple trees, and overall defeats a lot of the game’s asymmetrical uniqueness?