That boxer would definitely work in game but it just has a gimmick to it which you’ll have to position at longer ranges and to the side to use it successfully, reminds me of the LOSAT which is a very niche vehicle
You could say similar to the F-15C MSIIP with 8 Aim120
And Ka 50/52 with 12 Vikhrs Gaijin doesnt care for balance over realism
sad AI use.
I mean it looks good, but i can smell AI
You’ll have to provide details/links ive not heard of any Stormer HVM upgrades that would push it being an ADATS replacer for top tier
Could be AI with retouches and other details by hand which is pretty prevalent nowadays
I did take out half the team in a f15c once NGL, 8 kills with 1 gun kill. But still many things could change before we get EX
Honestly yeah, AI work seems to me lacking ‘soul’, something that always feel “blank” about AI stuff.
And it’s not wrong technically. xD
Yes most propably.
Or give them Magic 2s which I would have no problem with.
Hmmmm still no devblog, what could the devs be cookin or do the sales news count as one for them? Im getting real antsy here
Nah they must be cooking, they will want to generate some hype for the sales
i wonder if it’s worth full top tier BR if it only have 2x mica at best. (at least for air battle, if for Ground they gift it with AASM it’s worth the max BR ^^ )
In a way teaser realising today due to sales starting could in theory boost sales by generating hype if it’s a good update
Big if true
It would definitely gather hype for buyers and would be a good marketing strat to have a teaser now. Mods have also been quiet ive noticed
And f117, strike eagle, su34 would do that. If new tornado gr4 and m2k will get asraam and mica ir then that would boost premium sales too I reckon for nations other than us and Russia
tbf still gonna be better then the tornado Gr4 for air which that plane is gonna suck for A2A and the stock grind
Maybe we could put out a DEFCON 3 for the teaser
My stance for this is based upon what I reckon for the GR4 with ASRAAM
The missile performance will be good, but seeker wont be like IRL, they cant be. So for Mirage RMV, take a MICA EM and give it a Magic II seeker, maybe with a higher effective range where it will be hard to flare like 5km or so. Where would you place it?
Id struggle to argue for anywhere higher than 13.0.
Same with the Tornado Gr4. Realistically, its still a Tornado, and whislt it would have 2 of the best IR missiles in game, its still just a Torando, Maybe 12.7/13.0 max. Ground is kinda irrelevant with the compression, whether its at 12.0 or 13.0, it will face the same jets and SAMs
Oh it would, id definitely grab my wallet to renew my depleting premium time if i see the f-15e in a teaser now lmao
Though not really hyped for the f—117a since i cant really imagine how that would work