Thats fair but I think it has the chance to be (could be cope because I want it)
well i am going of the fact that many other nations that have long reloads on there early BB’s even when they have smaller cannons often have longer reloads when you then get to late BB’s only exeption is japan realy with there 16inch guns reloading faster than the 14 inch guns
Not to mention coaxial 50 cal taken from surplus Sabres
Updates are usually named after either:
A loose theme surrounding new vehicles, especially those with new features (Sky Guardians, Air Superiority, Kings of Battle)
A new tech tree/sub tree being added (Winged Lions, Viking Fury, Imperial Navy)
New gameplay mechanics (Night Vision, Locked On, Seek and Destroy)
A combination of the above (Fire and Ice)
Given what we know, there’s a strong theme in this update around strike aircraft (Tornado, F-15E, Su-34, Nighthawk). If there are still top battleships coming for Germany, Italy, and the UK, then there’s a substantial battleship theme too.
The BeNeLux ground seems so basic, I can’t see Gaijin naming the whole update over three Leopards.
But EFT is confirmed delayed to 2025.
They didn’t talked about Rafale, but i doubt it would be here on december without EFT, so i put it in the case of “they don’t care talking about it but it’s also delayed 2025 alongside EFTs”.
Stealth Eagles might be one
So what do you think about whats gonna be the Dunkerque reload?
Now that I think about the original leaklist had top tier ships for Britain France Italy and Germany right? Soo Roma???
2rpm which
was that the one with warspite
Even before the leak list Gaijin confirmed new rank VI for some nations.
So average reload time for top tier BBs ?
well the “top” performers have a 3-3.5 RPM
I hope at least the fact that all the firepower can be send without showing the broadside gonna add something good on the WT gameplay.
A part of me is ready for the Dunkerque to be the worst 7.0 already :(
But i don’t care, quad power !
depends on how well protected the front ammo is but you will be able to protect the crew more
No actual leak list had top ships for UK, Italy, France, or Germany. That’s based on Smin saying before the launch of DoD that there would be new rank VI ships for every nation in the “next two updates.” If we assume that DoD was included, which included Rank VI ships for USSR, USA, and Japan, that leaves UK, Italy, France, and Germany for this update.
Roma is possible, but Francesco Caracciolo would be a better fit in the current meta.
The funny part is the Dunkerque was made to counter Deutshland and Littorio (?) class.
With the Sharnorst and others more advanced ships already here, it’s saddly gonna be still some food for them i think.
And on some of them the top mounted M2 .50 cal was replaced by M3 .50 cal, also sourced from said Sabres
I believe this video courtesy of @Til_Dovre_Faller shows an M3, notice the high RoF compared to regular M2
iirc her bulkheads are about 8" or 9" (her belt actually)
Actually no I think theyre 12" sorry
from looking at the current french BB’s they ammo placement seems quite poor