Ok, now I’m sad for two reasons:
1: you may be right and may be the case
2: New Power, which my brain still computes as having come 1-2 years ago, came 4 years ago now…
Ok, now I’m sad for two reasons:
1: you may be right and may be the case
2: New Power, which my brain still computes as having come 1-2 years ago, came 4 years ago now…
But anyway… Going back to naval, the fact we have the option for the biggest tree in the game by far and yet have the second smallest is just insane to me. The amount of capability gaps like the lack of decent radar on most ships or the lack of SAM destroyer. Or just a second 7.0 BB within 2 years of the last. Is getting old fast.
I really really fear what we’ve been promised. Because it could be 7.0 worthy but it could also be way weaker than it should be, another glass canon. Too many of our ships have really annoying nerfs like HMS renowns incorrect draft and lack of HE-VT for her secondary guns
Well not many other nations were insane enough to build 5 ships per class of capital ship
You know you don’t have to justify all of that to me, we are in the same boat.
We don’t have SAM destroyer ingame too ^^
In fact we have no modern/cold war ship for now, nothing with fast firing gun and all, Germany with the Koln have a modern French turret that we still don’t have (the quick 100mm firing one).
(French tech in Germany/other country but not France, case number #356)
Played some ships yesterday (still noob here), and it’s sad to meet fast firing ships with only old turret/loading ones.
Even some secondary hurt me a lot between my reloads xD
And when i’m saying we are in the same ‘shape’ of problem i’m absolutly not saying one of us deserve more than the other, both of us need way more love in the seas (and i really think it, even if this boil my DNA :p).
Yep, just deeply annoying the soviets, the nation that should have the weakest naval in game, maybe even no naval in game, has a number of very strong and unique ships
Yeah, with a chunk of those ships not even existing or being from the 50’s and 60’s
Renown not having he-vt is one of the most infuriating things for me
Yep, the cherry picking is really annoying
And when we can have similar coastal boat as their with T34 turret, Gaijin don’t give us thoses ships xD
They really show a lack of will when it is time to bring interesting stuff for something else than the big 3 x)
Well if they made it so radar was more important it would really buff British and American ships
Yeah. Im really fearing if we get subs and just watching Britain having notably weaker ASW compared to the US
On that case i can bet if subs are coming France would just be forgotten and not have them at all…
Even if we have a strong sub fleet from WW1 to today (enough strong to have multiple choices from reserve to top tier on a possible sub TT).
gaijin is scared of plane dev blogs… I WONDER WHY :3
Brimstones were too strong to contain
Good stuff coming after teaser?
Especially that we were the pioneers of asw
Yep, probably will. If Britain gets 1x Sub from the start, i will be surprised. Im guessing it will be US, Germany and Japan that will get Subs from the start
I’m guessing that too…
But at least you could have play with your subs on the 2018 event. xD
Is that half of a sherman on a boat?
It’s a full sherman, but without track, welded on a barge.
All the ship can be operated from inside the sherman.
So can be pretty decent armor/firepower at low tier (at least against MG on the sherman part), and it look funny enough to be sad to not be added.