Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Meanwhile the 2A7s/122s are 10x better in your average ground RB game. The Abrams is just such a farmable tank.

I have 6, soon to be 7 nations at 12.0. I can turn my brain off and still manage to have 1.5-2.0 in both 2A7s.

How does anyone go negative in the 2A7/122? Do they just actively not shoot back against enemy tanks? Is there a new pacifist challenge/achievement I’m not aware of?

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Yeah Object 140 seems to fit the blanked out spaces well.

I’m curious what rank and BR it will be, I assume between 7.7-8.7 somewhere?

8.3, basically a T-55 with better gun but no apfsds


Farmable because it has bad players, not because it is a bad tank.

What!? Yes!! Such a cool ship!! (Not even joking!)

Guess its time to finally start grinding the French bluewater tree!

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And 2 more wheels )))

Just tried it out in test-drive. No cockpit! I was hoping it had a cockpit it looks so silly but generally a nice place to hang out in.

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update 2.41
So far so good

Don’t get your hopes up, the ammo-rack placement doesn’t look good on it

how?? whenever i turn my brain off (that means only press w and shot anything at thee center off mass without looking at any corner) i die without any kill in the first 2 minutes using either 122’s or 2a7v, the only vehicle that work when brain off is bvm

Even against good players any selfrespecting 2A7/122 player should farm/shit on them.

Like you shoot it center mass and it either dies in 1 shot or it loses both the engine and breach.

The F-15E Strike Eagle has to come after the AV-8B right? I don’t see it coming after the F-15C.

F117 my beloved, now we wait for a leak on the B1/B2/B21. make bombers great again


Yeah I think it would’ve been cool if they’d added both sisters together in this case but still very nice to have her.

And yes I believe the penetration of the french 13" is very very high for its calibre and i believe the HE filler is good too. My only concern is the reload, like the Richelieu class it was somewhat flawed. Ideally they just give them a 30-35 second reload though.

I just hope they don’t leave Strasbourg out and make her a premium as she’s better than Dunkerque. Ideally if they had to do a premium they would go with a Normandie.


I hope so, one day…


Should we wait for the teaser at least today?

What’s the Pr.253? Was that always on there?

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i just now noticed the superhind. apart for the lack of italian veichles (yet) its shaping up to be a great update