Yeah I’d be excited if I still played naval.
Yeah, I’m mainly excited for the new aircraft and I have a lot of hope from the leak list, strike eagle is definitely one of the planes I love
Seems legit
its different for germany lol
That wide HUD. Gripen has one too and in sim it’s soooooo nice. Hope the F-15E’s wide HUD also gets the target markers at the corner to show which direction your (soft)lock is.
At Gaijin’s insistence.
@Stona_WT @Pacifica Just wanted to mention a small typo in the article : Tulon, not Toulon, in the History paragraph.
This is a huge win for France, might be the first of their competitive ships depending on her implementation (and her captains not going broadside but instead heavily angling).
Very nice to see, she’s also a very aesthetic ship. I just hope to see her sister Strasbourg in-game as another Tech-Tree vehicle too.
Propaganda role ping lmao
Well that fills one of the hidden leaklist items
I see in the last part of the text, Thanks passed it on o7
i call all these tanks “t-55”
So what do you reckon the chances of a second Dev blog are today
i think gaijin owners are french lol
no wonder if they add f-35 for france too lol
That has to be the biggest cope I have seen in a while, please tell me that was sarcasm?
Because if it was sarcasm it made me laugh a bit.
Only a matter of time now that the Dunkerque is here. Still, it will be nice to finally have guns with enough pen to actually do something to most ships…
I think some people really underestimate how powerful MICA-IR and ASRAAM would be. 10km NEZ, close to unflarable with DL, LOAL and so on.
Especially Mirage 2000D with its flight performance would be terrifying for any fighter that gets into the same airspace. Pushing the idea of “only” 2 advanced IIR missiles instead of 4 possible on F-4F ICE is just disconnected from reality because both would be highly overpowered if added.
You are also forgetting about other missiles such as Python 4 that have to come before we get IIR.
I never even dreamed that one day two F-16s would be added to the French team lol