Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Hows the speculation on the Russian premium?
Any reason to believe it’ll be a rank 8 aircraft?

Well I can it’s called using the forums m8


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we need night battles with the F-117. but grb and arb need (more) night battles.

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You can have an opinion but without a basis its worthless

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ASB too. Would love to actually make use of the NVGs once in a while

yeah that too

Just because its a newer design doesnt mean its automatically superior.

F-15 with AESA radar is actually superior to First or even Second Tranche of Typhoons.

As for the Flight Performance both AirPlanes has certain advantages against each other.


So that like over 60% of the WT player base then lol


I am sure people will buy another prem Mig23 XD. hol up… this is war thunder after all

Well, as i have experience in top tier, F-117 wouldn’t really work like IRL because most SPAA have IRST and since it gaijin, you will be able to lock it and you know pew pew.

Sshhh… Dont tell them that, i was hoping to farm kills in the Stormer HVM.

So just to be clear

If I can’t say what goes on at top tier because I don’t play it

Then people who don’t play Britain can’t complain what it does and doesn’t need

I think that fair

IRL, the F-117 wouldn’t be anywhere near the frontlines. It wasn’t designed for vehicular combat, instead taking out strategic targets and never getting engaged.

Yes, and as you said better and less destructive options are there for Japan, and I think in the region Singapore would provide the most similar selection of air vehicles as South Korea with some of their own domestic modifications to the A-4s and F-5s which to me are some of the most amazing and cool mods

Yes, but if it was in WT, it wouldn’t really work.

How they massacred my boy, the best tank destroyer britain had

At the same time, you write that Germany does not need a new aircraft for CAS at 11.7+

99 level of hypocrisy

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It’s pretty easy to tell what is needed or not for britain, and an F-117 is not it.