Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Most likely AI.


Just saw that, somehow gaijin has made the gr 4 doa, some way somehow… God they know how to fck up in this most major ways.

it seems like No, Just your standard Renown

Please add those American tank crew lines in!

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germany players are on other side of the river lol

AND its a Mk.4, thank you snail


Are you sure?

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Those F-15E look like small diameter glide bombs?

oh yeah britain will be so OP guys with our 9 laser guided brimstones… yep…

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then why show that part in the trailer?

Gaijin pls pls pls, add this to every top tier map


This is new, right?


Are the showing a rework/graphical update of abandoned factory in the opening 5-7 seconds of the teaser?

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YES! They look so cool

Knowing Gaijin, Be dissapointed

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What are these missile/bomb things?

New airfield models maybe ?

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Where is the suggestion for the mark 4 ?

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Cruise missels confirmed