Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

Leo 2 turrets still not fixed either.

Those spots are supposed to be between 817 - 862mm


Overall good changes, apart from the Eastern Europe changes.

You have blocked off half of the map, and have prevented tanks from flanking the B point. Revert this change ASAP, because it will make gameplay worse. It was one of only a handful of maps that allowed flanking to a large degree, and now that is gone. If a tank is positioned right, they can completely block of the B point from capture, which they couldn’t do before without being vulnerable.

Why do y’all hate flanking???


Flanking apparently is not allowed is this game.


I totally forgot that amphibious tanks can cross it, there’s even ramps too.

And leave it to Gaijin to accidentally make a map awfully imbalanced on accident.

“You will face tanks head-on, and you will be happy” - Gaijin Entertainment



I am endorsing this with my Freccia, I can totally face against T72AV in this type of map.

There’s definitely something I could do facing a T72AV or Leopard 2A4 from the front at point blank

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The never ending shrinkage of maps is beyond a joke at this point.
And it is evident that nothing anyone says about it will ever change it.
Can only hope that a better competitor comes along in the future.


That is indeed the natural map border for this flag layout. Which is what’s being changed, the bridges on a specific layout, not universally.

As with all the other recent map border changes, which have virtually all been for single-cap layouts; it was always goofy that they had the same borders as three-cap.


By all means, have that too! I’ve never been in favour of “smaller maps” or “larger maps” but simply the sensible changes to map borders so that they actually reflect the intended play area.

A large percentage of the (vocal) community loves to say “flank” when what they’re really doing is leaving the obvious intended boundaries.

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Wait until you play a jumbo against Germany lmao

Jumbo is universally trash among all maps as it stands right now…

It’s been about six years since the Ki-49 lost its 800 kg bomb, but has it finally been able to carry two 500 kg bombs?

Major Update 1.79 “Project X” - changelog 12 June 2018
・Ki-49 (all modifications) - Bomb load with 800 kg bomb has been removed according to the data sheet (source)

Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)
・Ki-49 (all variants) — an additional 500 kg bomb has been added.

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Then again, the map is nothing but open fields and hill ridgelines to the north, so ofc that’s an easy line to the enemy spawn. especially since you can go so incredibly wide that spawn campers from both teams can safely pass by without even seeing each other.

So you are basically saying that you want maps with clutters that no matter where you go you have to face someone head on?

Honestly, I disagree. It’s only trash on longer range maps, and in uptiers.

Eastern Europe was actually a great map for it, even if you didn’t use the other side of the map. Generally, it’s quite good on urban maps, and smaller rural maps.

That doesn’t change the fact that “3 zones in a corridor” style maps are un-dynanic by definition, and force head-on engagements. The brawling play style is forced upon the player, and I don’t see how this would be enjoyable for players who prefer light tanks and tank destroyers (vehicles that are designed to snipe or flank)

Good map design gives the player the freedom to use their preferred playstyle, with certain areas of the map tailored for brawling, for sniping, for flanking. Making a corridor map where the only valid playstyle is “hold W toward enemy” is the opposite of good map design.


Let’s say it how it is: they want to take a 5 minute detour undetected and away from any fighting to go directly for the side or rear of the enemy spawn to farm easy kills, and are upset that they can no longer do that.

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Maybe, but this is simply an “I don’t like it” subjective opinion element, which is a different type of discussion. Part of the reason to have a balanced lineup is to adapt to different map styles.

I would argue that “good maps” encourage players to become good at different styles, not let them do the same thing on every map.

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Maybe you should have more visual awareness, learn the possible angles you can be shot from. This is called “map knowledge” and “game sense” and is part of a game’s learning curve.


Or maybe you’re just one of the blind lemmings who train down the middle of the map only to get shot from someone who went around the side and took you out with your horse blinders on?
I’m going with that one.