Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

In an environment where you’re actively taken out back and fucked on the RP front if you don’t take every advantage.

How about placing a few ai people with antitank guns in the Spawn? Ps behind the spawn would be the best placement

Similar to the guns and howitzers in air rb/ab


Provided greater rewards come from this to account for the time it cuts from the match and kills, sure.

“decisive victory bonus” ?

As seen with AAA guns in Air battles, having AI elements that pose an actual threat to players will be controversial. Getting fragged by AI will feel random and BS at times considering how the AI works, it doesn’t aim like a player would

Essentially my proposal. I would argue cas should count if it gets multi kills after 3 ground to ground kills in the player spawn to limit frustration of the losing side.

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Rp largely based on play time and activity. You’re actively making matches shorter and lowering how much rp you make and also reducing how many enemies spawn from all the people who don’t respawn or can’t respawn. They also can’t cap points, which means you can’t recap those points. You’re making the game less fun and making matches shorter so you can have more kills instead of more points.


You can cycle through a lot more matches and get plenty of RP from said matches compared to just letting one match drag on for eons.

Removing the rewards isn’t the best approach in my view since people would still more than likely do it regardless for statpadding and because it is easy. Also doesn’t help being on the receiving end of being killed in spawn and the frustration that causes.

The two best solutions I’ve seen are the berm idea where it gives people protection from outside fire in spawn and allows people in spawn to clear enemies looking in from a strong position whilst preventing enemies from using it from the other side with a steeply angled other side.

Or a spawn zone down either edge of the map where you can choose to spawn anywhere within the line of grids so that you are not funnelled into one or two definite points people can look into.

These have been suggest many times in the past by many people but have never been tested or tried because simple as gaijin have alluded to in the past they do not see spawncamping as a big deal and view it more as a normal part of the game.

Simply put, they don’t care.

I’d rather get 10k from one good match than 12k from 8 shitty matches.

Something something “Because it is easy and does a lot of damage”.

Except you get significantly more than 12k compared to your at best 8k single match. I can get 18k in a long match with a premium line for 10.0 Russia. Or I can get 15k per short match as a conservative guess if I do well in it.

Another idea stretch the maps and add additional spawns behind the current one (were the heli spawn is or between Heli spawn and the current Ground spawn)

I’ve made up to 20k without premium time or premium vehicles in a single match because my team didn’t spawn kill the enemies so we were constantly capping and killing eachother with enough points to respawn. Crazy I know.

No, that’s not okay. It heavily encourages one death leavers and 3 minute matches. Have fun playing 3v12 because the enemy team managed to get an early advantage and your team cannot spawn in and fight back anymore. Or have fun trying to flank when your team got the early advantage and now there’s no enemies spawning in anymore so you don’t even get to play the game.

And most of the time aircraft go straight for the spawn, doesn’t matter if there’s 12 other targets across the map.

Spawns need to be safe and give you a chance to fight back, otherwise you might aswell just remove respawning alltogether and embrace the gokart meta.

I really like this idea, as long as they aren’t super easy to kill. And have enough range that people can’t just back up a bit and be safe.

Or just make bigger maps with better positions in general.

Yea, before the RP gains got tanked, sure.

I like.

this would pose problems though as CAS can quickly get 2-3 kills at any time during a match with a well placed bomb. That in combination with a sneaky solo flanker that takes out 2-3 tanks in enemy spawn even though the rest of the field might be sort of even.

Was actually my first match after the skill bonus was added