Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

There aren’t much amphibious vehicle, in my case, US WW2 TT

When Gaijin is already fixing so many camous, can they also fix all the camous where decals don’t show? The ingame report system didn’t find the screenshots i took, so i couldn’t report! Camous include Somua SM “Aisene”, Type 74C anti-armor combat exercises…, Type 74C “Zebra” and probalby some others.

Abusing bad game design degrades the gameplay. Fixing that bad game design makes the game better for everyone but the spawn killers.

It shouldn’t, you’re correct. But it does, and short of divine intervention it will be a part of play.

It will.

You dont need an amphibious vehicle to cross the canal, if you spawn left


honestly I see no difference…
@Stona_WT is the draft change already implemented?

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Trust me i’ve tried to explain this to him long ago and it useless

It would be less of an issue if Gaijin were comfortable providing terrain features in spawn areas to fight back from, but until that happens it’s just going to be a fact of the game if people play terribly.

But it’s also currently a choice of the players. You’re proudly admitting that you failed a litmus test.

True, it’s inevitable, but honestly, i’ve had matches where the last 4-5 minutes are spent either just waiting for an enemy to spawn in to have something to shoot or waiting for the timer to run out so i can get to a new match without getting crew locked if i’m at the receiving end.
It’s fine if spawnkilling is a thing that occurs perhaps once or twice at the last 30 seconds of a match and with a frequency of like once every 5 matches or so. Currently its WAY to long time spent doing it at the end of a match and to often an occurrence.

Part of this really is just down to the ineptitude of major nation players and the lack of thought on positioning or maintaining positions.

Why does this even happen? Do they write the stat cards manually? I feel like the could just set up code to have the in game stats transfer directly to the stat card

Spawncamping will continue until they actually address some of the very valid proposals that have been put forward to actually improve the problem.
Continuing to beat the rotting corpse of flanking will not do that, but the changes being made are not to prevent spawncamping anyway given that they have expressed in the past that they do not see it as much of an issue.

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Well yeah i agree with this but gaijin really don’t understand how large scale tanks combat looklike spawn should have defensive positions to fight back
i can say tanks RB map should be rework entirely for every BR range

I think anything short of having a permanent protection zone that you can still shoot out of, with limited sight lines so you can’t dominate the map from spawn, isn’t a great answer to the playerbase trying to find exploits for their own unfair advantage all the time. that would be a huge problem with SPAA just staying in spawn though.

But at least that’s the solution alot of other games like Planetside 2 found and kept because it works really well.

Absolute win!

Most spawn killers do it for the rewards so if they just reduced the rewards for killing people in their spawn zone (except aa’s of course) or even removed the rewards entirely spawn killing would simply stop being an issue. It would still happen from time to time but not nearly as much. There’s also the 400 other options people have suggested. Gaijin just doesn’t care. It’s up to the players to just not be selfish.

I think the fighting back part is the most important aspect to all of this.

Absolutely nobody would spawn camp if they felt they were in real danger and didn’t have the upper hand.

Berms, high ground, and hull-down positions would completely flip the table, and put the cards back in the hand of the players in spawn.

Please forgive me linking my earlier drawing for visibility

I personally don’t agree in general, but either way there should be a mechanic that limits the length and occurrence of it. The reason for it happening could be many things and designing maps/the game to avoid it happening might be possible but i doubt it.
Just spontaneously i instead think of implementing something where if a ground vehicle shoots into spawn, the team gets like 5 kills ground to ground (to avoid CAS counting), in the spawn area, within like 1 minute then that should be an automatic win condition (and other factors as well of course, like no enemy vehicles on other parts of the map and things like that).