Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

french boat, 2 non french planes, british boat


still no AOA vapor

What planes were added? I have only seen the dutch Hunter Mk.50 so far.

Edit: nvm found the sea fury.

Not the dutch hunter, but the Sea Hawk Mk.50

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Oh yeah my bad. That is the one I meant but I always mix up the british aircraft names.

Have the devs made it so drop tanks on jets can be retextured in this update to fit the aircraft paint scheme?

I’m looking through the asset viewer on the dev server and see new drop tank textures for the F-111C, F-111F and (early) Italian IDS that appear ingame (in #gameres\aces\aircrafts\weaponry alongside the other drop tank textures), but they don’t seem to have a corresponding unique model (usually found in the root #gameres\aces).
Used to be that the same type of drop tank was using different models in order to facilitate it matching the camo of other aircraft using the tank.

  "default_skin": {
    "replace_tex": {
      "from": "us_600_f_111_drop_tank_c*",
      "to": "us_600_f_111c_raaf_drop_tank_c*"
  "default_skin": {
    "replace_tex": {
      "from": "it_1500l_drop_tank_c*",
      "to": "it_1500l_drop_tank_green_c*"

I am curious if this means we can retexture the tanks through userskin .blk with some additional syntax, or if it’s only implemented at some deeper level that can’t be replicated by the user?

Can i have the reason why R2Y2 have no airspawn now, but still is 8.0 BR?!

@mineLo @_Renzo Could you send pictures of new vehicles?

Smbd know what is that “glass” on F-111?



Thank you :) Could you send the boats as well?




I would assume / hope it’s via blk (like pylons). Anything else would make no sense as I see it.

Wonder if it also applies to those hybrid tanks/rocket pods as seen on Mirages, etc…

Yup, thx!

And LS-6 glide GPS bombs for JF-17.



I have done a quick test (tried adding some green tanks to my F-111 retexture) and it does seem to work in part - i.e. the texture shows on the drop tanks when fitted to the plane.


Will have to test whether they stay the same colour when jettisoned etc. as i believe this is why Gaijin had separate models (e.g. 5 different ones for all the Tornado 1500l tanks) before

Ed:- sadly for userskin, the drop tank reverts to its original texture when jettisoned. Those jettisoned on Gaijin’s planes manage to stay the same colour in spite of apparently not having a new model. So perhaps there is an extra step to this?

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Also in regards to the Vehicles placement, so you have an idea.

The Sea Fury FB 51 tech tree placement:


The Sea Hawk Mk.50, is like the German Sea Hawk Mk.100, with it also being able to equip AIM-9b.
Sea Hawk Mk.50 tech tree placement:



HMAS Fremantle tech tree placement:


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If I may ask, the texture you got via CDK, or is it exported when you create a template from the client as well?

I exported the texture from the CDK and wrote the .blk myself. I haven’t tried the template wizard because I haven’t actually researched the F-111C yet to have access to the customisation window (userskins work in test drive without researching the plane)

Anyone know what this funny torpedo-thing on the MAS 441 is?

