Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

Looks like a minesweeping paravane.


Please note that the Switzerland flag is wrong in game.
It should be square, not rectangular!

Did the J-10A always have 72 large countermeasures?

So it is a vickers-terni after all. Unfortunetely speed isnt its strong suit.

I believe it’s the glass “dome” for the KB-18 strike camera that is underneath it. Nothing useful in game but IRL it allowed you to take pictures of the results of your bombing run.

Yeah< already founded it in F-111 manual

The Belgian flag is also the wrong aspect (13∶15)… :(


Civil ensign

does the sea hawk get Sidewinders?

Yep. 2x9B

Migrating this to here

So is there a reason as to why the AV-8Bs can no longer carry GBU-38s on TERs?

This is a massive nerf as it takes the max bomb load from 10 to 4.

If its the idea that the AV-8B cannot load MERs with GBU-38s, that is false as there is videos of AV-88B+s using and loading them.

Marvin Group, the makers of the MER and TER outright state that the latest version of the TER, is JDAM and SDB compatible, with a full MIL-STD-1760 type 1 Interface.

STAR.pdf (


When is the M2k 5F/D gonna receive it’s actual countermeasure count? This issue has been closed for more than a month now.


Apparently they had to have the target prequeued before launch, so its up to you to argue with gaijin about wether or not it should or shouldnt be allowed. Good luck is all i can say.

Thats only for old TERs without a MIL-STD-1760 type 1 Interface, modern TERs and MERs have said interface and are fully compatible with JDAMs and SBDs, per their own manufacturer.

Hopefully gaijin acept it, gps bombs are gonna be far from anything broken. If your an spaa player all youll have to do is move every now and then whcih you should be doing anyway if you dont want to be targeted. Plus it will finally allow us to actually lob bombs as the ir guided ones never get lock due to how gaijin make them glide for literal miles for no reason. Kinda jealous of the chinese for getting those cool ass glide bombs tho.

Especially the smaller GBU-38s that we have here, they really only preform well against stationary AI targets in ARB and SIM, they aren’t going to usurp IR mavs or LGBs anytime soon.

And as you said, the jeff has actual modern glide bombs while everyone else is getting just the standard GPS bombs they make, dunno why gaijin would choose to just torpedo aircraft that currently mount the inferior version of GPS bombs while adding in the better glide bomb variants.

Doas it also Effect the av8b+?

That is the AV-8B+, the change hit both.

Iit will be fun with the Scandinavian flags while they all look pretty similar They all have different aspects Ratios with Denmarks looking like a square the most
And Finland having the most rectangular afaik and the rest in-between

Could someone make a bug report?

AV-8B+, AV-8B NA Lacking Full GBU Load // // Issues

Feel free to contribute to it, in theory this will effect the F-16C and other US fighters as well given the TER and MER are used across the board and if gaijin chooses to keep the US using ITERs and older MERs then none of the aircraft in the US tree will be able to carry GBUs on racks. Or any NATO member aircraft that use MERs and TERs for that matter.