Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & Ground Tree

Starting from Rank IV might be better overall as the majority of the C&P is at ranks I-III


Yes, they were showcased in different DEFEXPO events held in India as a showcase to Indian Military for different gears. These two in particular were proposals for BMP-2 upgrade on offer to Indian Army.


At the Punjab State War Heros’ Memorial & Museum, exists an M4A1E6 Sherman with the SA-50 cannon rather than the 76mm M1.
Considering just how much weaker the M4A1’s hull is compared to the M4A4, I’m thinking that this vehicle would make a nice replacement for the standard M4A1E6 at 4.7.

To further diversify the tree, I believe that the researchable M4A4 (SA-50) (which by the way doesn’t need a copy paste symbol next to it since it’s indigenous) should be swapped with the premium M4 (D-58T). Both are 5.0 and the latter is arguably more unique to this tree if we consider that France already has an M4A4 (SA-50) and Israel also has the potential to recieve one in the the form of the M-50.





hmm … ngl, looking at news, the nation and ASEAN are getting along much better in current times



India want anti drone shells for 23mm gun (Shilka SPAAG)

India would be perfectly fine as a sub-nation to avoid all the copy-paste, but there needs to be a way to swap alliances and semi historical MM.

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I think this round is going to be similar to AHEAD

How do i folder vehicles using the warthunder TT maker?

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Thank you

India should go to Israel (Israeli-related vehicles), Britain (UK-related vehicles) and USSR (Russian/Soviet-related vehicles). No need for an independent tree.

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Why? There’s no point. Adding a nation’s vehicles to its former coloniser’s TT doesn’t make sense. As you can see India can be its own TT

India has the biggest population in the world and there are plenty of unique vehicles. If you don’t like Copy/Paste then don’t play it

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Or you can just add India as its own tree since putting Israel and India together would be like putting Indonesia and Türkiye together


Except for the fact that prior to the addition of the Israeli TT every Israeli vehicle is either a Event or Premium vehicle spread across 3 TT which everybody hated since unless you did the events the vehicles are pretty much behind a paywall. And if you can afford it or have the time to do the events you cannot make a proper lineup anyways.

Also a subtree is stupid since Gaijin instead of adding unique vehicles to the TT like what they did with the SA vehicles instead are mostly adding Copy and Paste Soviet vehicles that nobody wanted. And i didn’t even like SA being a subtree either since it robbed the UK Ground TT of a dedicated LT line and also gave Gaijin the excuse of not adding domestic British LT’s and SPAA’s for the longest time and is still happening in regards with SPAA’s/SAM’s i.e Gaijin is adding C&P Indian operated SPAA instead of Domestic British, British operated Foreign or even British built but foreign operated SPAA’s/SAM’s. And no the UK isn’t lacking in either the 3


Look at the TT it has plenty of unique vehicles Rank 5 and above just make it so that people can only unlock it at Rank 5 like how Israel can only be unlocked at Rank 4.

Bmp-2 Artillery sheesh


Yeah, better place for Bharat, South Africa, and Jordan. Is being in one their own TT.


Cause all of them was British colony,
They are in Relationship:
Some of them was in Relationship with USSR (Bharat)
And all in Relationship with Russia (Bharat, Jordan and South Africa)
They are very often use russian 2A42 canon, Kornet ATGM and other guns and vehicles

It would be a TT where the ideologies of Uk and USSR come together.

But now we have just a way to add Soviet non modified stuff to UK.
Congratulations to Gaijin.

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How do I add vehicle images onto the thumbnail using wt tech tree maker?