Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

@Smin1080p How good does the WIP Su-30 model look? Will I cry when it comes out later this year?


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the hell did u think germany felt that the freaking 2a7v wasnt in the trailer but the freaking swedish noname strv122b+?

There is even picture of them using a ground serch radar like this on a chieftain



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Unfortunately the Fox Milan seen in other games is a lil bit of a kitbash. There is a real Fox Milan, but it’s two milans and a GMPG, so not really anything fancy

Literally this:


What about France got it’s first own Milan launcher before UK got a second one ? :p

3rd* we have the warrior milan and the ratel with the milan

Exactly, even worst ^^

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Yes, but for chieftain i would prefer something else


That’ one strange shape

Quintessentially British.

I am honestly surprised that france doesn’t have any milans

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Hmmm…I just noticed that Israel can’t get more Magachs, there none left to add lol.

Don’t tempt fate… There are probably some obscure prototype variants out there that no one has heard of before that they could still very much add.

They still have M60 based things to add to Israel though, the Sabra which are export tanks similar to the magach

What i need to say, for italy is normal, because get so small content and everytime we need to see a devblog or the devstream or the dev server to see our content, the appearance of italian vehicles are too little, the last appearance of an italian vehicle is the La Royale teaser.

At least germany get more trailer with Leopards, Italy never had a trailer with the Ariete or a devblog for example

remember how italy in the last year, got so much stuff and was pretty much favoured to? italy was nearly to focal point of additions, with even this update as well italy receiving once again a major addition in form of the hungarian air tree

I forgot about those :[.

Namer will take more time than expected.