Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It was never common irl to mount 3x mavs

And 65G is almost 100kg heavier than 65B/D.

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yes but still we could probably be allowed ingame though but irl it was very uncommon to ever load 3x mavs

doubt it, there maybe some files suggests the 3x pylon can’t sustain the weight of 3x 65G
but I’m not a expert of this kind of things

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Excuse me, so F-16CM from datamine dev server it look like F-16C Block 50 from live server ?


Uhh yeah?


It’s probably technically possible from a Station Weight limit perspective, and so Gaijin did so.

But almost certainly the LAU-88 (triple rail adapter) would catastrophically deform if loaded as such, let alone if the airframe started pulling G’s.

Its erroneous, at best and concerning at worst considering Gaijin are balancing by stats at this point the W/R must really be an issue if they are going that far with it.

The SAP-HE warhead should only be able to be mounted on the LAU-117A/A (single rail adapter).

But Finding Proof that something could not be done is much harder, if was never an option. Especially considering how modern these systems are.

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I think they know, but not so sure, that’s why it’s “unused” now. They are still study this issue, from both technical and balance perspective.

when exactly are the Planned technical works from now?

its ongoing right now

so we are in the last Messages in this thread

guess so dear friend

Attack the D point!

damn, didn’t account for daylight savings and thought the technical works started an hour ago

Something should be in garbage dump with imperial units lol

explain to me why the Tripple mount should bend when you put SAPHE Mavericks on them

are they that much heavier

add Metric/Industrial Time to that garbage

from wiki

eh if it’s within station weight limits

there are triple mounts for 1000lb bombs so why not for 300kg Mavs too

rail pylons are not so strong as drop pylons