beat me to it lmao
Good for Japan if they get that Thai sub-tree, bad for me because I do not need to be dealing with a grand total of 4 F-5 difference performing/armed airframes…
Does this mean a fix is being developed?
Personally, the best part about patches tend to be fixing game engine limitations, or otherwise improvements to mechanics.
I mean, judging by the armament that F-5E should be 11.3, so as long as you play 10.0 or below you won’t meet that one
If the tree we our working on gets added they’ll be another. The Canadair CF-166/CF-5 Freedom Fighter.
And F-16A Block 20 MLU armed AIM-9P-4 too
Hopefully gaijin change 2 SRAAM stock AIM-9P-3 replace by AIM-9P-4 this major update
Northop F-5A & F-5E basic, F-5T Tigris armed with Python 3 & Python 4 IR AAM and equipped with the Dash helmet-mounted cueing system
A-7E Corsair II, AV-8S Matador, L-39ZA/ART and etc.
When can we expect the update?
i think the update versions hinted at tmw, or sth like that
probably this week, unless the dev server reopens which isn’t currently expected
Alright, i appreciate it guys
Oh don’t you worry, if gaijin really wants to both Germany and Sweden can get F-5Es through Switzerland and Norway respectively
And in theory the USSR tree could get a F-5E as well, considering they got some from Vietnam
if you really want to argue for it Germany can get the F-20 too :]
What? Did a German or Swiss politician sit in one of the three F-20s once?
And F-16A Block 20 MLU armed AIM-9P-4 too
Doesnt have F-16A stock 2x AIM-9L? You know that Aim-9P4 is just Aim-9P with 9L seeker…so pretty much a poor man aim-9L
Links for some possible Thai stuff, more for my own convenience than anything:
Thai Army, Air Force and Navy equipment Wikis
Old Forum Ground, Air and Naval subtree suggestions, plus some other stuff
I’m pretty sure no German politicians sat in any Currently in service Jets
thailand has gripen C’s btw
Gripen C for everyone! (except sweden)
i guess they could also use the same loadouts as the spanish did, so a twin aim 9 pylon should be possible (on the photo it looks like an aim 9L and an aim 9P i could be wrong tho)