Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

beat me to it lmao

Good for Japan if they get that Thai sub-tree, bad for me because I do not need to be dealing with a grand total of 4 F-5 difference performing/armed airframes…


Does this mean a fix is being developed?

Personally, the best part about patches tend to be fixing game engine limitations, or otherwise improvements to mechanics.

I mean, judging by the armament that F-5E should be 11.3, so as long as you play 10.0 or below you won’t meet that one

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If the tree we our working on gets added they’ll be another. The Canadair CF-166/CF-5 Freedom Fighter.

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And F-16A Block 20 MLU armed AIM-9P-4 too

Hopefully gaijin change 2 SRAAM stock AIM-9P-3 replace by AIM-9P-4 this major update

Northop F-5A & F-5E basic, F-5T Tigris armed with Python 3 & Python 4 IR AAM and equipped with the Dash helmet-mounted cueing system

A-7E Corsair II, AV-8S Matador, L-39ZA/ART and etc.

When can we expect the update?

i think the update versions hinted at tmw, or sth like that

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probably this week, unless the dev server reopens which isn’t currently expected

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Alright, i appreciate it guys

Oh don’t you worry, if gaijin really wants to both Germany and Sweden can get F-5Es through Switzerland and Norway respectively

And in theory the USSR tree could get a F-5E as well, considering they got some from Vietnam

if you really want to argue for it Germany can get the F-20 too :]

What? Did a German or Swiss politician sit in one of the three F-20s once?

And F-16A Block 20 MLU armed AIM-9P-4 too

Doesnt have F-16A stock 2x AIM-9L? You know that Aim-9P4 is just Aim-9P with 9L seeker…so pretty much a poor man aim-9L

Links for some possible Thai stuff, more for my own convenience than anything:
Thai Army, Air Force and Navy equipment Wikis

Old Forum Ground, Air and Naval subtree suggestions, plus some other stuff

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I’m pretty sure no German politicians sat in any Currently in service Jets

thailand has gripen C’s btw

Gripen C for everyone! (except sweden)

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i guess they could also use the same loadouts as the spanish did, so a twin aim 9 pylon should be possible (on the photo it looks like an aim 9L and an aim 9P i could be wrong tho)

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