Evil laughs
after all the wait, it has been worth a thai subtree may come to japan and the ultimate russian baiter its comming
Gaijin likes M109s
Outside C&P, i’m more curious of what new they can bring ^^
There’s the Stingray light tank and some Ukrainian stuff, all of which looks cool
Thailand doesn’t build any planes
well for tanks the vt4 and the t84, as for the air tt some f16s and the gripen
At least in GRB Japan is really lacking in precision ground strike, This won’t really fix that (no TGP iirc), but does open us up to some options that do (F-16 and Grippen C). The ground options for Thailand are pretty cool too, (Comando stingray, T-84, Ukrainian BTR variants, M901, IFV versions of some of the Chinese LTs in game already). I’m pretty excited for a thai subtree if they add it
Man, a Thai Harrier/Matador would be neat
Plus, since it’s an AV-8A with all of the same wiring as the American one, it can get that ALE-37 CM pod
But the bad news is that Chinese equipment will not appear in Japan
Heh, I just realized, this would be the first sub-tree that could also provide something for a naval tree
could finnland not provide sth naval?
Smin said there is a small surprise, I am hoping it is the Gnat because it is small.
But he also said unless he had missed it, and there’s no way he missed something like the Gnat Brit main or not.
Does Sweden have a naval tree ingame?
not yet
The squad vehicle was it.
What squad vehicle?
Vindicated! Leaks were bang-on!
beat me to it lmao