Major Update “Alpha Strike” Dev server Challenger 2 changes

Hmmm, leopard DM is pretty good all things considered. Doubt therell be much change

oh boy, head over to the 2A7V thread if you want to know more.
It’s pretty terrible.


yeah i killed one from a 60 degree angle from behind by 50 caling it with a centauro

I don’t know why they delte the dark bule plate

The aluminium back plate may be what’s left of their choice to change it, meaning it should go back to rha when they finalise the dm (I am huffing pure colour rn as I can’t deal with my TES being nerfed anymore than it already is).

Summary of CR2 bugs

1,Mantlet thickness issue. This armor shows only 200mm, which is incorrect. This mantlet is actually larger than 200mm, and Gaijin may not have had time to modify the data yet. The new mantlet is thicker than the original 200mm mantlet, and the thickness is similar to Hull’s composite armor (330mm)

2, Mantlet height and size issues
The new mantlet is positioned too low, which is incorrect. And the new mantlet is too small and doesn’t quite match the pictures we have.


3,Wrong armor position
The outer 30+30 armor cannot cover the lower half of the mantlet


It seems that the position of the armor is too high

Here are some additional examples

4,Wrong proportion
H too big

it is toooooooooo big

5, Wrong machine gun position
The machine gun is too far forward

6, missing a 50mm plate.

7, Mantlet should have a curve inside

8, missing armor


9, missing rotor


@DevilO6 @Fireball_2020



L94A1’s barrel is what im looking at here right?

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Yes L94A1 chain gun barrel

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did they fixed it?

no, someone from the community made it

I like that its breech will be among the strongest, though still weak in areas.
I expect rounds to bounce more often than currently.

well hopefully

Basically what happened when they finally fixed the chally 1 mantlet. I love going hill down and am looking forward to the changes (hopefully). I’m just hopping and dreaming they fox the TES era at the same time. I need my chonk.

I moved the external 30+30 down a bit, and now it looks almost there

I redrawn the height of Mantlet according to the ratio I calculated

@Fireball_2020 @DevilO6

Fingers crossed. But this is Gaijin we are talking about

Dev is on version .21 now, any new changes for the Challenger 2 or 3TD?

500 ce seems awfully low still

Yeah it is, irl its 1200-1300 or so. its been reported months ago, whether it changes is another question.

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