Major Update “Alpha Strike” Dev server Challenger 2 changes

Fingers crossed. But this is Gaijin we are talking about

Dev is on version .21 now, any new changes for the Challenger 2 or 3TD?

500 ce seems awfully low still

Yeah it is, irl its 1200-1300 or so. its been reported months ago, whether it changes is another question.

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What is relikt ce?


from T90M UFP

Gotta love how a less advanced thinner piece of era that is specialized for a different role entirely is better than a more expensive and more advanced armor made for the sole purpose of stopping heat warheads

I mean its funny because on release the TES ERA (Aspro-HMT) was modeled correctly. its just someone tried to overbuff it and then they put it into the sorry state its in now effectively making the TES & OES worthless.

Not just heat. It’s layer upon layer of composite and era. This allows it to take multiple hits in the same spot as it would still have layers of era bellow it. This allows it to take tandem warheads and reach the STANAG 5 level protection it boasts. It’s why it’s able to reach the 1200mm of ce protection (maybe more but I doubt gaijin will even give us this). People have went real in depth into this explaining to gaijin that even taking the way they measure STANAG protection (which is wrong and has been shown to be wrong) it’s still under performing, which is funny as they are not even accurate in their own representation of the protection levels required.

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ASPRO-HMT should look similary to BRAT

That but more, smaller, plates. Think of the Russian track era and just slap a couple more layers ontop of it.

i know, its insane the era should be able to stop 25mm apfsds by itself