Armarment is given considering BRs, otherwise Yak-141 would alredy have R-73 and possibly upcoming R-77.
Possibly upcoming*
So a reduced BR for the MFG is to be expected?
Except you aren’t?
If we assume the leak list to be correct for the sake of this discussion. You are giving a total of one nation a BVM/Strv 122 counterpart, being the US with the SEPv2.
The unknown Challenger 2 and T-90M will likely not be counterparts as they are still a challenger 2 and T-90 at their core.
Now if you add a 2A7V with the improved hull armor you are giving them a tank miles better than the BVM, 122 and SEPv2.
But hey I guess if it’s new and shiny it won’t be powercreep right?
it would also lack its R27s, its IRST, and its gun so I think that is a fair trade
It’ll be 11.3 100%
the pack one?
Only the preorder skin is from prototype. The plane itself is a regular IDS.
The new pack Tornado for germany is pretty much just Tornado GR.1
It’ll be an 11.3 or it’ll be useless
it’ll have no GBUs so it has to be lower
the MFG is 11.0, and grom have said that it would be lower than that edit: of course, that is subject to change
It has none of the guided a2g armaments though.
So no way it’ll be 11.3
Yikes. Didn’t realise this
If i remember correctly spanish avenger is a massive german main so wouldn’t be unlikely that they want the germans to be the best at top tier
If that was the case prototype tanks wouldnt have ammo that was made long after them in game, so no, its better for everyone Yak-141 moves up in BR and gets that armarment instead of being 12.0 plane killing 11.0
its a high tier Ju288 as I said
because you dont have radar dishes or full on stations in game… lol?
I would once again be fine with this means the Challenger 2s aren’t stuck with L23A1 a round at least I have been told anyway they never used
I also said nothing is final yet, as usual until the patch drops. But no higher than Marineflieger ofc.
He has a lot of top tier nations, so I won’t call him a single nation main.
However he does tend to lose a sense of balance when something new and shiny is presented. Only to make posts about said imbalance a few weeks/months later.
(Sorry Spanish_, no hard feelings, but I have just seen this happen enough in the past to know it will likely happen.)