Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Another heli also get their really thermal res? Or AH-64A has 3+ gen thermal?

More body pillows lol nice

good morning everyone, what are we whining about today?

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in the stream it ripped at 17Gs

" F2A [FIN] (possibly the Humu)" ay I was right

Oh boy… where to start…


Just saying Vilkas, i was right :P

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I see more body pillows. If they are adding one for every nation I will collect them all.

Not too knowledgable on SAAB planes - Can Gripen C carry laser ordinance and mavs?

Should of been spared for a Polish tree

I mean the IGN Poland interview said something was going to happen with Poland

yes I believe so

the full armarment update was the main point of the C upgrades

Dope <3
Good to see Britian getting what is essentially the F16C in its tree

I know the SAAF one can and think the Swedish one as well

pretty disappointed with the f-15s fm right now but once its fixed i think it’ll be fine. i personally dont care about the su 27 having ridiculous armament because once amraams and r77s are added the previous meta will go down the drain

except for missiles, if you get regular skyflash too then those are well known on your Phantoms

AIM-120A/B is just active seeker AIM7M remember. The range is not equal to R27ER until Cs

That’s something I missed then.

The one time I don’t watch the streams and then they decide to confirm such things xd

remember that we’ll keep the current meta for another half year

I’ll be honest: If we get Skyflash as well - that would be even better. Just for headon fights, where 9Ms will fail

Is it me or have they changed the textures to a metallic purple from a matt grey ?