Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Abrams bug report has been re-opened if anyone has sources to share.

I get his point too, but Italy has an MBT that was first shown in 2022…

Which is subpar to older MBTs that we have in game, year doesn’t always mean being better or worse

I don’t think we had this before:

Correct thats new

I mean the popup message about daily log through WT Mobile. I’m pointing at it with the cursor

Yes thats what i was responding to

yes Volxar was very happy about that yesterday

No idea why I read your message as “Correct whats new” at first lol

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What is going on? 110 message to part 4 and the chat is dead? Unexpected

Nothing new to the game, there’s got to be more to it

There was no official statement that Gripen C was coming this update.
It is confirmed for next year however

That is my point. I just dont see why people constantly bring up some country having older MBT or anything. Or for example Abrams or Leopard lacking shells ( while all other nations still run something with M829A1 equivalent)

hopium dev server updoot

You are, unfortantly, mistaken

You can see it a little better here, but it’s some sort of exhaust port
(image taken from BAE’s page on the eap)

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Oh god not the EAP again LMAO

This update is the Gripen C for UK that i would guess will be same as the one in Swedish TT with the free look lock on missiles (dont know what it is called) and next year is the Swedish Gripen C

Unused assets of War Thunder (


Probably will be soon considering theres was or still is a armour penetration bug, vehicles lacking textures, Mirage 4000 lacking few pylons which they said they will fix on stream.
